1) I had the shortest Organic Lab possible. All we did was check in, therefore it was amazing!
2) During my extra long break, I finished season two of How I Met Your Mother. I fully love Barney. I would have his babies... even though I would probably never actually allow such a womanizer near me// I am so not his type. I'm starting season three tomorrow assuming Mark brings it so I can borrow it!
3) Later, we went to superstore (which I used to hate, but in the recent past I have come to adore). Anyways, we got some amazing deals there, such as a box of ten christmas cards for 24 cents and some workout pants that feel exactly like lulus for 18 bucks. I love that place.
4) We went to the library (which I also adore!). And there was a lady who was arguing with the librarian. She was arguing over a fine. She thought they over charged her an extra day on all her four books. It was ridiculous. I mean, you pay a total of $12 a year for your library card and you can get all the free books you can read all year long. Just pay the extra $2 for your fines because it goes to a good cause!
You wouldn't believe the number of people who contest their library fines. There are also people who complain about the $12 yearly fee. I wish more people saw it the way you do. The fines go straight back to buy more materials.