Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thank goodness its wednesday

So far its been a really long week. I have found myself burnt out before the weekend. Last night, I had to force myself to stay up so I could watch Project Runway Canada. And once that was over it took me 10 minutes to convince myself and get the energy to get to bed. And then I slept through my alarm this morning! Even though my  monday/tuesday/wednesdays are very full, I love my current schedule. Mostly because it means that thursday feels amazing once it comes!

Hopefully, I will be going to MEC tomorrow to buy myself some climbing gear. While its not something I need, I decided that it is something I want. Therefore, its going to be my birthday present to myself, and even though it is pricey, it will still be comparable with last years present of UGGs! The fact that I am starting to love climbing is also a good thing!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Shut the front door. I'm twenty!

I am astounded that I've been on this planet for that long, but apparently its the truth. Once I actually get down to think about it, twenty really is such an insignificant number. Even if I live to be one hundred, it would still be a nothing more than a blip compared to the age of the Earth. 

As insignificant as my life is, I still want to live it as best as possible. And I believe that I'm starting this next decade off right. I managed to cleaned my room, finish my biomech assignment (that isn't due until friday) and do my hair today. Hopefully this trend continues for the next couple days!

They best part about birthdays, has to be all the attention. People calling and sending cute texts. Even if all those phone calls made me miss the ones I love most. 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Having Fun, Isn't Hard

Today was completely uneventful, but there were some interesting points....
1) I had the shortest Organic Lab possible. All we did was check in, therefore it was amazing!
2) During my extra long break, I finished season two of How I Met Your Mother. I fully love Barney. I would have his babies... even though I would probably never actually allow such a womanizer near me// I am so not his type. I'm starting season three tomorrow assuming Mark brings it so I can borrow it!
3) Later, we went to superstore (which I used to hate, but in the recent past I have come to adore). Anyways, we got some amazing deals there, such as a box of ten christmas cards for 24 cents and some workout pants that feel exactly like lulus for 18 bucks. I love that place.
4) We went to the library (which I also adore!). And there was a lady who was arguing with the librarian. She was arguing over a fine. She thought they over charged her an extra day on all her four books. It was ridiculous. I mean, you pay a total of $12 a year for your library card and you can get all the free books you can read all year long. Just pay the extra $2 for your fines because it goes to a good cause! 

Monday, January 12, 2009

Secret Keeper

I found out today that Zach had kept the fact that he was going out with a girl I really disliked from high school, a secret. It made me feel special that they put so much effort into keeping it a secret because he knew that I hated her. 
Unfortunately, if he had told me about her, I would have told him to dump her because she is bad news bears. This would have saved him a lot of heart ache since she lied and cheated on him. 
I generally get along with everyone, or will force myself to tolerate everyone. But she was something else. Basically, she called me a fat bitch because I sat in the spot where she had been sitting for the pact week. Seriously? 

In a completely unrelated note, I only have to buy one textbook for all the 5 classes that I am taking. This seriously makes me happy, and means I will be able to get myself a better birthday gift for myself (I'm currently lusting after yet Another pair of UGGs).

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Shocked and Amazed

Just checked my final grades, and they were finally posted. And I am blown away.

My goal going into the semester was to get nothing lower than a B, which I then lowered to nothing lower than a B- once I stopped caring about physics. After writing my physics final, I was pretty sure that I was going to fail the class seeing as I started crying (just a couple of tears, honest!) during the middle of the test. 

Anywho, the point is... I still got nothing lower than a B-!! I actually managed to get a B- in physics without actually studying!! (Seriously, the four days before the final I went shopping, watched the whole first season of Dead Like Me and half of the first season of How I Met Your Mother).

However, I am going to need to take this as a lesson. I have learned that half-assing my way through university is not going to get me into any type of physio program. Therefore this upcoming semester I need to stay on top of my classes, and perform my best. I also am not going to lower my standards. Based on the fact that half of my classes *should* be pretty easy, my goal for next semester is to get 3.68 GPA (probable marks are A, A-,B,A-,A). Wish me luck!

Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year Resolutions

Seeing as its a new year, I might as well write down some new year resolutions AKA my 2009 to do list.

By the End of 09...
I want to be able to say that I performed to the best of my ability at school, which can be completed through the following:
  • continuing to attend every lecture, and not playing on the internet!
  • staying after school to study, or using breaks to study.
  • using the full amount of time for tests, and not rushing out the second that I finish writing the test but actually re-reading and checking answers.
  • asking for help, either from peers, TAs, or Profs when necessary.
  • procrastinating less often.
I want to become less negative, and attempt (this is going to be difficult) to gossip less.

By the End of the Semester...
I want to be able to do 2 chin ups in a row.
I want to have looked at 3 possible houses to buy.

By the End of the month...
I want to have a solid weekly schedule written up, including time for school, working, studying, working out, time with friends, tv time, and other stuff.
I want to have begun volunteering for the Gauntlet. 

By the End of the week...
I want to get my hair cut, while I still have time before school!
I want to get my sleeping schedule back on track and ready for school.